CS pays tribute to late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare.

Hits: 1909

Tuesday 09th March, 2021.


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The Commissioner of PNG Correctional Service, Stephen POKANIS OBE, DCS hosted a small but significant tribute service yesterday at PNG Correctional Service Headquarters here in Waigani to formally pay tribute to the founding "Father of our Nation" late Grand Chief, Sir Michael Thomas Somare, GCK, CMG, CH, CF, SSI, KSG, PC.

PNG Correctional Service donated K20, 000 cash to the Somare family to assist with associated funeral expenses of the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare.
The donation also included a live cow, and several pigs.
Dulciana Somare-Brash, daughter of the late Sir Michael, on behalf of her family, expressed her heartfelt appreciation of the kind gesture to the CS.  The donation was made following a moving tribute service held at the CS headquarters in Port Moresby.
CS Commissioner Stephen Pokanis received Dulcianna as the family rep at the event.
Commissioner Pokanis in his tribute speech, described the legacy of the late Sir Michael as a cornerstone for all Papua New Guineans to look up to and follow.
Dulcianna said her father always promoted unity in the midst of all the diverse cultures and beliefs in the nation.
She said Papua New Guineans should continue to advocate on appreciating our unity in diversity, and practice being united.
Attending the tribute were Commanding Officers of all CS facilities in the country, and also group of inmates from Bomana CS facility representing prisoners across PNG.
Tribute speeches also came from Commandant of Bomana CS Training Institute Haraha Kiddy Keko, on behalf of all the CS Commanders.
Former Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister, and an inmate, Dr Theo Yasause, also spoke of the late Sir Michael’s role in politics.